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Checkout Flexi-payment / payment plan | offer interest free payment plan options

With CourseCo’s new checkout Flexi-payment feature, Students can pay their fees in instalments.

This feature can be used on your website if you advertise course with high fees amounts to allow students to purchase in instalments.

Please note that:

  • This is a custom developed feature.

  • To get it installed on your website, please get in touch with your CRM Lead for a demo

  • CourseCo will configure the Flexi Payment Checkout for your website

Admins can set a minimum amount for payment plan. This will ensure that flexi- payment is only allowed when the cart amount is meets the requirements.

Student completing a Checkout Flexi-Payment Booking

To purchase a course using Flexi- payment checkout, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the website

  • Click on Login button on website home page

  • Enter your email and password to login to website

  • Click on ‘Find courses’ button

  • Click on ‘More info’ to review date and time of the course you want to purchase

  • Select the date and time and quantity of delegates

  • Click on ‘Book Now’

You will be redirected to checkout page to complete credit card details and billing details

  • On checkout, review your delegate details information in lead booker details

  • In card details, select option ‘Over 3 interest - free payments’ (Auto pay with your card)

  • Review the fees payment breakdown in instalments for coming x3 months

  • Enter your card number in the credit card details

  • Click the tick box to confirm storing your credit card for future payments

  • Click the tick box to allow recurring payments from the stored credit card

  • Enter your billing address in the billing details section

  • In mini cart area, Click on tick box to confirm terms and conditions

  • In mini cart area, review the instalment payment breakdown again to confirm the payments due

  • Click on ‘Complete Booking’ to complete the booking


  • Booking will be successfully created for the course

  • The first “DUE' amount will be deducted from your account when booking is completed

  • An email for booking confirmation and remaining due payments will be sent to you

  • Your credit card information will be saved to pay remaining amount on due dates

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