The Waitlists feature allows you to create waitlists and manage them easily. Waitlists enable customers to sign up for an alert to be notified of an opening on a schedule with no current capacity.
As a licensed admin, you can go on and add your student’s email to a waitlist for a course so that they can get notified when they a space becomes available on the course.
As an admin adding a contact to the waitlist, a scenario may arise where a student or contact requests to be added over the phone.
The simplest thing to do is go to website and add their name & email.
You can also instruct your client to do this themselves.
To add a student or a contact to a waitlist for a course, please follow the steps:
Navigate to the website
Click on Find Course
Select the details for the course
In the Course details page, click on ‘Add to waitlist’
Enter the name and email for a student in respective fields
Click Submit
Your student or contact will be added to the waitlist and you can see them in the contacts waitlist report
For more information, refer to the following sections: