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Student Journey on CourseCo

Student Sign Up

To sign up as a student on CourseCo, please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the website

  • Click on Log In button

  • You will be redirected to Sign Up/ Log In form

  • Select I am an ‘Individual’

  • Enter your first name, last name, email and password in given input fields

  • Click on Sign up button

You will receive a verification link on your email and Click on the link to verify the email

Alternatively, if you cannot find email in your inbox, please check your spam folder

Manager adds a student on checkout

You may be added as a delegate by a lead booker or manager on the checkout.

In that case, they will need your information such as First name, last name, email and phone number, you will:

  • Receive a verification Link on the Email as set up by the lead-booker on checkout page

  • As a student, you must click the link to verify your account

  • On redirected page, you must set up your password

How to Login as a Student

  • Navigate to your website

  • Click LOG IN.

The  Login page will be displayed.

  • Enter your credentials and click LOG IN.

You will be logged in and your Home Dashboard will be displayed.

Depending on your login type, some of the modules/sections may or may not be available.

To log out of CourseCo, click your profile picture at the top-right and then click Log out.

You will be logged out of CourseCo.

How to access My Courses?

Students can access the E-learning content uploaded by the admin for a schedule on their course. To access the content please follow the steps below.

  • Go to the website

  • Log In with your student credentials

  • Click on Courses > My course

  • Navigate to your course

  • Click on Actions and Click on Start from the dropdow


  • You will be redirected to the course content page

  • You will see a list of sections and the content that you have to study or cover for the course

  • You can click on the Previous button to back to the last section

  • You can click on the Next button to go to the next section

  • You can click on the Skip button to skip the section and move on



  • You can see the access open and access closed column for the schedule. These columns define the date range for which you can access the content. The access closed column indicates that once that date is passed the student can no longer access their content.

  • You can also see the progress column on the courses page to see the number of sections you have completed.

  • You can skip through the content and click on next and previous button to jump on the sections as you go.

The access duration for the course content, the timer on each section and the permission to skip is set by the admin.


Accessing your certificates in Documents

  • Log In using your Student Credentials

  • Go to my profile> Click on Documents icon in the portal

  • You will see your Attendance or Exam Certificate as shared by the admin


Note: Students can only see the certificates shared by the admin

View your Timetable

  • To view your timetable as a student, go to Timetables plugins and filter by date

  • You will find the online meeting widget on the portal as a student


To read more about PORTALS, see our user guide here

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