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Multi-Buy | Cancel a delegate or cancel a schedule from a multi-buy booking

Multi-buy is an Add on feature, (see all features here) - contact us to learn more about multibuy

Cancellation types when the booking has Multiple Schedules and Multiple delegates - the different options for different cancellation tasks

  1. 'Cancel delegate' - this button/option is used when the admin wants to cancel a delegate from the booking. This is used when there is a single schedule on the booking or multiple schedules.
    Example: John is on a booking with multiple schedules and needs to be cancelled from all of the schedules / from the entire booking.

  2. ‘Cancel Booking’ - This button displays when there are multiple schedules in the booking i.e. its a multi-buy booking. This button allows you cancel 1 schedule from the booking and not all schedules
    example: John is booked onto 3 schedules and needs to be cancelled from just 1, the other 2 are still confirmed

1. Cancel Delegate - How to cancel ‘John’ from the entire booking (All schedules)

  1. Open a booking

  2. On the payment details section, select the Red Button CANCEL DELEGATE

  3. On the popup, it will present the delegate names

  4. Tick the names of the contacts to cancel

  5. Add a reason code eg ‘delegate cancelled’

  6. Add a note (optional)

  7. By default, ‘Create Journal transaction for this cancellation' is enabled for you - this can be set to OFF by default if needed.

  8. Select Complete Cancellation

The create Journal window will appear next (if create journal was On) but before it appears, review the cancellation outcomes below


  • The selected delegate(s) have been cancelled from the booking

  • As its a Multi-buy booking, this cancels the delegate from all schedules in the booking, i.e. John is no longer booked into any of the schedules.

  • Cancellation email will be sent (if configured on your platform) - You must let us know if you would like this enabled.

  • Delegate will no longer be on the schedules or the booking.

Please follow the ‘Create Journal Transaction/credit note' user guide here on how to update transactions

2. Cancel Booking - how to cancel 1 schedule from the multi-buy booking

Cancel booking button will only appear on multi-buy bookings

  1. Open a booking that has multiple schedules.

  2. On the payment details section, select the Red Button CANCEL BOOKING

  3. On the popup, it will present the schedules on the booking

  4. Tick the schedules you want to cancel from the booking

  5. Add a reason code eg ‘delegate cancelled’

  6. Add a note (optional)

  7. By default, ‘Create Journal transaction for this cancellation' is enabled for you - this can be set to OFF by default if needed.

  8. Select Complete Cancellation

Please follow the ‘Create Journal Transaction/credit note' user guide here on how to update transactions

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