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Cancelling a delegate from a group booking and creating a specified Journal/ Credit note transaction (BETA)

With CourseCo’s updated cancellation process, it gives more functionality to the admin when cancelling just 1 delegate or the whole booking. The admin can decide if a Journal/credit note transaction should be created for this cancellation or if there is no need for any accounts adjustments

This is a global update and will soon be rolled out to all CourseCo Platform admins.

How to Cancel a Delegate i.e. some contact(s) in the booking needs to be cancelled

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Open a booking

  3. On the payment details section, select the Red Button CANCEL DELEGATE

  4. On the popup, it will present the delegate names

  5. Tick the names of the contacts to cancel

  6. Add a reason code eg ‘delegate cancelled’

  7. Add a note (optional)

  8. Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.28.01.png

    Cancel delegate window

  9. By default, ‘Create Journal transaction for this cancellation' is enabled for you - this can be set to OFF by default if needed.

  10. Select Complete Cancellation

The create Journal window will appear next (if create journal was On) but before it appears, review the cancellation outcomes below


  • The delegate(s) have been cancelled from the booking

  • IF Multi-buy booking, this cancels the delegate from all schedules in the booking.

  • Cancellation email will be sent (if configured on your platform)

  • Delegate will no longer be on the course

How to Cancel a Delegate and create a Journal/Credit Note transaction i.e. update the booking amount

  1. Complete the steps above and ensure you toggle on ‘would you like to create a Journal Transaction for this cancellation’

  2. After selecting Complete Cancellation, the booking will reload and direct you to the ‘Create Journal/Credit note transaction' window


Create Journal Window

‘Original Transaction details' section - this populates the original booking information

By default, the journal details of the cancellation will populate the 'assumed’ refund amount for the delegate(s) being cancelled - i.e. it will auto-complete the amount expected to refund.

original booking for 2 people was £100 per/person, so booking total was £200+ VAT.

When cancelling 1 person, it will populate £100+ VAT value. You can edit if needed i.e. you will refund 50% only

  1. Edit the journal/credit note amount by selecting the ‘Amount’ input - If needed. Auto-complete will populate the assumed cost of the attendee space.

The discount value and VAT amount will dynamically update when you edit the amount input

  1. You will see the breakdown of details update (read only section) - please carefully review this breakdown to ensure you create the transaction as expected.

  2. Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 12.22.31.png

  3. Select 'Create Transaction'


  • The original transaction amount / outstanding value has been updated

  • A new transaction for ‘journal cancel booking’ has been created with the specific amount

  • Admin can navigate to the contacts' accounts tab to see these details

  • Admin can now create a credit note document to send to the booker.


Create a Journal Transaction, after the delegate was cancelled i.e. you didn’t create during the cancellation stage

You may have already cancelled the delegate but opted to not create a journal transaction as the refund value was not confirmed yet.

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Search and select the contact or booking you need to update

  3. While on the contact/booking, navigate to the accounts tab for the contact

  4. Select the original booking transaction (the journal will be against this booking/tx)

  5. Select Actions > Create a transactions Journal

  6. On the popup, you will be presented with the same window as above.

  7. Like above, you will see the original booking tx information

  8. Within the journal details section, it will pre populate the original transaction amount

  9. Edit the Journal details to the applicable amount and tick the box.

  10. Review the read only section to ensure the breakdown is correct, add a note

  11. Select Create Transaction


  • The Journal Transaction is created

  • The original outstanding balance is updated

Generate and download a Credit Note document

Once you have completed the above steps, you now have a transaction type ‘Journal Cancel Booking’ - you can now generate a Credit Note document

  1. While on the contact, navigate to the documents tab

  2. Select generate document

  3. Select template = Credit note

  4. Select the transaction that you want to generate for

  5. Select Generate and download


  • Credit note is generated

  • The credit note is saved to the credit note tx and can be downloaded at any stage.

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