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Making a Payment with Available Credit

In some cases, you may have available credit on a contact. For example, your contact may have been cancelled from a booking which was prepaid (in full or partially). In this case, the cancelled booking, automatically created a credit available transaction which can be used at a later date or cancelled as you plan on giving your contact a refund.

Viewing Credit on a contact

Precondition - the contact has a booking that was prepaid and then cancelled.

See user guide on cancelling a booking here

  1. Login as an admin

  2. Using the left menu, Select Contacts

  3. Search and select the contact

  4. On the contacts' file, select Accounts tab

  5. View your Transactions - Credit available Transaction

    1. Status column will display Credit Available

    2. Outstanding Column will display using a minus the amount of credit available eg -€50

Viewing a Credit Available Transaction

Making a payment using a Credit Available Transaction

Precondition - the contact has a booking that was prepaid and then cancelled.

You have a new outstanding transaction that needs to be updated

See user guide on cancelling a booking here

  1. Login as admin

  2. Search and select the contact

  3. Navigate to the contacts' Accounts tab

  4. Review Transactions displayed

    1. You will see a credit available transaction

  5. You need to select the Credit available transaction, once you’ve done this:

    1. Select the Action button (corner right), select Journal - Cancel Transaction from the dropdown

    2. On the popup, add a note for reference e.g. Updating transferred booking id 1001 with this credit

    3. Save

  6. Next, select the outstanding transaction for the new booking

    1. Select the Action button (corner right), select Make a Payment

    2. Select type = Cash (this is a workaround for the moment)

    3. Enter the amount you want to pay off i.e. the amount of credit you cancelled in point 5

    4. Add a note for reference.

    5. Save


  • The amount paid is updated

  • Your contacts accounts are displaying the correct amount outstanding.

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