Delegate Allocation (Book pending places) | Create booking with delegate qty and no names (yet)
The below images / steps for delegate allocation which has been improved in 2023 to reduce admin mistakes and add more functionality.
What is Delegate Allocation Booking? (Ghost Booking)
Delegate allocation booking is a feature where admins can create back-office bookings for a number of delegates without having to enter all their names on the booking. Its probably our most popular add on for bookers who don’t supply the names at time of booking (admin creating the booking)
This is used for Price per person bookings (not incompany, private training schedule)
Admins can choose to input their name at the time of booking creation or after the booking has been created. Admin can also swap the names after delegates have been added.
This is a Low cost Add On Feature please contact your Project CRM Lead for a demo.
⭐ Key Benefits of Delegate Allocation ⭐
Quickly adding booking to take up capacity - add the attendee names later
Swap names on confirmed bookings (Applicable for price per person type booking)
Lock in a price for a booking and do admin later!
NEW - Add new contacts while on the booking
To see how to create a Delegate Allocation Booking, please see the steps below:
Steps to create a delegate allocation booking
Log In as an admin
Go to the ‘Bookings’ Plugin on the left menu
Click on ‘Add booking’ button
Select Booking type as ‘Organisation booking for multiple delegate’
Enter your Organisation name in the Organisation input. For eg: Centra
Enter your lead booker name in the lead booker input
Enter the name(s) of your delegate in the delegate input
Admins can leave the delegate input blank at this step if they don’t have the names to add or add some of the names if they have a few. See image for your reference:

Select the schedule that you want to book for your delegates
In the Delegate Quantity input, use the arrow to add more delegates to the booking
By default, it will display the number of delegates you have already added. i.e. the delegates added at the start, you can add additional delegate qty here

The booking price will update as you increase the delegate qty
Enter the Purchase Order number
Click on ‘Book Now’
- The booking will be confirmed
- The delegate qty added will now reflect on the remaining schedule capacity
- Booking confirmation email is sent to the booker / the delegates who were added (if any)
- The delegate qty is locked in place and can’t be increased or de-creased (admin would need to cancel booking to decrease)
- Admin can re-open booking and start adding the confirmed delegate names
Cancelling a pending place on a booking is now supported!
Admin can cancel a pending space on a booking and create a credit note against it - see user guide here
Adding Delegates on Delegate Allocation Booking
In the Bookings plugin, select the booking you want to add delegates to
In Delegates input, enter and select name(s) of delegate you want to add to the booking
Note: You can only add the quantity of delegates that you mentioned earlier on this booking.
For eg: My booking has 3 delegates, I already added 2 so I can add 1 more or remove my 2 previous delegates
Click Save changes after adding your delegates

Adding new contacts on the booking
The booking will be updated with delegates name
Attendance will be updated with delegates name
Upcoming Booking report will be updated with delegate quantity
All Timetable> attendees tab will be updated with delegate name
Admin will receive a warning message if they try to exceed the delegate qty booking. see message

Removing Named Delegates from Delegate Allocation Booking
You can remove delegates from the Delegate allocation booking.
Note: Removing the delegate from a booking of this kind does not change the delegate quantity you originally allocated
To remove a delegate, please follow these steps:
In the Bookings plugin, select the booking you want to remove the delegate from
In booking details, click x in front of the delegate that you want to remove
Confirm removal by clicking ‘Confirm’ on Dialog box
Click Save changes
See image for your reference:

The booking will be updated and remove the delegates name
Roll call attendance report will be updated with confirmed delegate name
Upcoming Booking report will be updated with delegate quantity
All Timetable> attendees tab will be updated with confirmed delegate name
Swap name on a confirmed booking
Just like adding names above, you can swap a name at any time. This can happen on any booking that is price per person!
Login as admin
Open bookings
Select existing booking
Select X on the confirmed name
do not hit save yet!
Search and select the new name
Add delegate
Delegate name is swapped. The original delegate will no longer be on the booking.
Report | Display bookings with pending Names
Run this report to see upcoming bookings that still have pending places.
View the booking id, schedule id and number of pending places remaining.
Title of report ‘Bookings with pending delegates’

Please contact us if you would like this report shared with you.