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Cancel pending space(s) on a booking (ghost booking) so that the booking qty is reduced and schedule capacity is updated.

Precondition: A booking was made with eg 2 pending names and 2 named delegates.

Task: The booker has asked for x2 pending spaces to be cancelled and a credit note to be issued.

This user guide is applicable to CourseCo users who have delegate allocation add on - see here for details on delegate allocation

Cancelling a pending place on a confirmed booking

You need to complete the below actions to free up space on the schedule and update the income from the booking

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Search and select the booking

  3. On viewing the booking, you might see qty 4 and the delegate names x2 listed

    1. This means you have 2 pending names remaining to add to the booking

      Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11.19.34.png

  4. You have agreed with your client to cancel x2 pending spaces and keep the existing named delegates on the booking

  5. To cancel the pending names, select Cancel Delegate

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11.19.57.png

  1. On the popup, you will see the named delegates and ‘new delegate qty’ input populating 4

    1. You need to reduce the delegate qty by 2, so the new delegate qty will read 2

    2. Reducing the delegate qty means you have cancelling the other spaces.

      Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11.20.45.png

  2. Select Create Journal tx for the cancellation - this will create a credit note for the 2 pending spaces that were cancelled

  3. On the popup, review your Journal Transaction Value to ensure it is the correct values to cancel.

  4. Once happy, select Create Transaction

    Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11.28.52.png


  • The x2 pending spaces have been officially cancelled

  • A journal transaction has been created for the x2 spaces

  • The schedules' capacity has updated and freed up x2 spaces

  • The booking qty now reads 2 i.e. x2 spaces are booked on this booking.

  • A credit note document can be sent to the booker (Invoicing add on feature required)

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