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Bulk Assign/remove Examiner or External Examiner from a submitted exam

Bulk Assign examiner to correct/grade a number of exams.

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Go to Todos > All results

  3. Filter by Examiner status AWAITING

You only assign an examiner a exam to correct when it has been submitted by the student and is status awaiting


Filter by status AWAITING

  1. Filter by eg Date range, exam id, student name to refine your applicable results

  2. Once you table of results displays the valid information i.e. the bulk of exams you want to assign

  3. Using the right column, bulk select all applicable exam.

It bulk selects all the exams on that page

  1. Using the bottom pagination (page numbers) keep bulk selecting the exams on each page

As the exams are selected the right column will display the number of exams currently selected

  1. When applicable exams have been selected, navigate to the bottom of the screen

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 09.54.38.png

Bulk Assign

  1. Using the button titled ‘Re-Assign selected (Examiner)’ (this is the LEFT button)

  2. On the popup, select the applicable examiner from the dropdown + select Bulk assign.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 09.55.12.png

Assign examiner


  • the exam transcript will be assigned to the examiner

  • The examiner can see it in their portal as examiner status awaiting

IF the exam had a previous examiner assigned, the previous examiner will be removed and the new examiner will be assigned to correct the exam

Bulk Assign External examiner to review a number of exam transcripts

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 09.55.45.png

See full external examiner user guide here

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Go to Todos > All results

  3. Filter by Examiner status GRADED

You should only assign external examiners GRADED exams. External examiners can only view / open graded exams.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 09.55.33.png
  1. Filter by eg Date range, exam id, student name to refine your applicable results

  2. Once you table of results displays the valid information i.e. the bulk of exams you want to assign

  3. Using the right column, bulk select all applicable exam.

  4. Using the bottom pagination (page numbers) keep bulk selecting the exams on each page

  5. When applicable exams have been selected, navigate to the bottom of the screen

  6. Using the button titled ‘Re-Assign selected (Ex-Examiner)’ (this is the RIGHT button)

  7. On the popup, select the applicable examiner from the dropdown + select Bulk assign.

Outcome: the external examiner will be assigned these exams to externally review

Bulk remove External examiner from exams.

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Go to Todos > All results

  3. Filter by date range applicable

  4. Filter by external examiner

Your table of results will display all the exams assigned to the selected external examiner

  1. Select all, ensure you select each page of results

  2. Once all selected - navigate to the bottom of the screen

  3. Using the button titled ‘Re-Assign selected (Ex-Examiner)’ (this is the RIGHT button)

  4. On the popup select the red button - BULK REMOVE.

Outcome: All the exams have been removed from the external examiner portal

To double check all exams were removed, reload your screen and filter by the external examiner. Your filtered table results will display 0 if all exams have been removed.

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