Advanced Trainer Bookings - Adding the names for Private training schedules
With CourseCo’s Advanced Booking features, trainers on your platform can add, remove and edit delegates on an in-company / private training bookings. This article is a detailed guide on how trainers can perform these actions in their own portal.
This feature is an add on, please contact or contact your CRM Lead within CourseCo to learn more.
Trainer: In-company / Private / In-House bookings
A trainer linked to an in-company booking can view their bookings on the portal. Additionally, they also get features where they can add a delegate, remove a delegate and mark their attendance status.
You can find more about the workflow of an in-company booking in our user guide.
You can find more about how to mark attendance as a trainer in our user guide.
Advanced Trainer Bookings Management
To view bookings where you are a trainer, follow the steps below:
Log in as an admin
Go to ‘My account'
In the left menu, click ‘Bookings’
You will be redirected to bookings list view
Trainers can view all bookings for schedules where they are a trainer
Trainers can only add/remove delegates for an in-company booking
Trainers can update Attendance for all the delegates booked on their schedules
Viewing Todays Booking and Adding a new Delegate
Note: In-company / In-house / Private training bookings are created for schedules which have ‘Charge per delegate= OFF’
To add a delegate to an in-company booking where you are a trainer, please follow the steps given below:
By default, the trainer will see todays bookings. They can change the filter to see other bookings (based on time slot date)
In bookings, you can see an ‘Action’ option for when it is an in-company booking
Click the ‘Action’ option
Select ‘Add delegate’ from the dropdown presented as shown in the image below
Enter the first name, last name and email in the pop-up form

Trainer Portal - Bookings
Please note that: First name, last name and email are mandatory fields and must be entered
Click ‘Save’ to add the delegate to the booking

Delegate’s information will be saved in Admin Contacts.
Delegate will be added to the booking
Trainers can take attendance for the added delegates
Admins can send a login invitation to the newly added delegate
Delegates can login and view their bookings and courses
Delegates will be added as a student and linked to the organisation which has this booking
Delegates will be added to the automated emails eg Course ended, send cert automation..etc
Removing a Delegate
To remove a delegate from an in-company booking, please follow the steps below:
Login as a trainer
In the left menu, click ‘Bookings’
You will be redirected to bookings list view
Click on a booking to expand and view the list of delegates
Click ‘Remove’ option in front of the delegate you want to delete
Confirm removal by selecting ‘Remove’ as shown in the image below

Delegate will be removed from the booking and you can see the status as ‘Cancelled’
Admins can view in their portal the removed delegates
Removed delegates can no longer view their Online course in their portal i.e. if there was online content on the schedule. This access will be removed from their portal.
Removed delegate will be removed from the attendance list
Automated emails will not be sent
A delegate is cancelled email will not send when admin or trainer ‘remove’ the delegate
Editing a Delegate
To edit a delegate details, please follow the steps given below:
Login as a trainer
Go to ‘My account'
In the left menu, click ‘Bookings’
You will be redirected to bookings list view
Click on a booking to expand and view the list of delegates
Click ‘Edit’ option in front of the delegate you want to delete
Update the details of the delegate
Click ‘Save’ to save the updated details of the delegate on the booking

Delegate details will be edited and saved in the CRM
Admins can view the updates in their portal
Additional Scenario 1
Please note that:
Trainer cannot create a duplicate contact if the contact exists in the CRM. See image for reference:

Additional Scenario 2
Please note that:
Trainer cannot add a delegate if the schedule capacity is full. See image for reference.