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Trainer Led Cert | Admin | Generating Attendance Certificate Manually as an admin

To generate the certification of attendance, please follow the steps below:

  • Log in as Admin.

  • Navigate to Contacts.

  • Click the contact for which you want to generate the certificate of attendance.

Ensure that the contact for which you want to generate the certificate has previously attended a schedule already.

  • Navigate to the Documents Tab.

  1. Click Actions and click Generate Documents from the dropdown list.

The Generate a document dialog will be displayed.

  • Select the certificate_of_attendance option from the Document Template dropdown list.

  • Select the Booking ID and the schedule for which you want to generate the attendance certificate from the Bookings dropdown list.

  • To generate and save the certificate, click Generate & Save.

The certificate will be saved under the Documents tab. You can share the certificate with the student through the student portal.

  • To generate and download the certificate, click Generate & Download.

The certificate will be downloaded and saved on your local system, in PDF format. You can share the certificate with the student via email or cloud. It will not save to their file, so please ensure you select 'generate and save

Follow this user guide to Share the cert to the student portal - see here

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