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Release Notes | 23rd July 2024

Release version: v2024.7.11

Hello CourseCo Community,

This was a small release with nice improvements

Key of icons - understanding CourseCo and how updates affect you.

✔️ Enabled for everyone by default

⭐ Free of charge, but to be configured by CourseCo Support. Note: you may require the original add on to receive this update

(plus) Add on feature - Note: This update maybe linked to an already purchased add on, contact us to learn more. Please contact us if you want to discuss your options.

Bugs - Bug fixes do not have any key icons and it is a general fix.

Please note that features are available to you based on your project package and customisation.

If you have any queries or feedback on the release notes, please open a support ticket via

🌟 New feature

  • (plus) Invoicing and Credit Notes - generate invoices automatically when the booking has been made.

🛠️ Bugs

  • Bundles multi-buy page fix for completed schedules.

  • Mp4 fix player when embedding in content

  • Bookings - fix organisation linked after editing the booking

🌟 Improvements

  • ✔️ Admin | View bookings - option to view the billing address for the booking

  • ✔️. Admin | Bookings list screen - update the date format for start date column to dd-mm-yyyy (previously yyyy-mm-dd)

  • ⭐ Website - option to display + VAT on the website - contact us if you would like your website updated

  • ✔️ Website -schedule selection, will display as ‘Fully Booked’ when waitlist is enabled

  • ⭐ Generate cert automation - new condition to only send successfully if attendance = 100%

🚢 Coming Soon

Planned Features on our Product Roadmap QA

  • Trainer iOS & Android attendance App (Beta version is Live)

  • Schedule checklists

  • Attendance Dashboards

  • Trainer portal - option to use QR Code to add delegate to booking

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