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Website Course Finder

CourseCo allows you to place the course finder widget on your website.

Note for developer

To embed our finder on your website, please install the script below to the relevant location within your website code.

  • Script Type: Style Shadow

    • This is CourseCo’s CSS Styling provided to you

    • This will not impact the existing site’s CSS

    • The installation script is as added below:

  • CODE
        <div align="center">
          <!-- i want menu to be here. uses shadowroot. style does not affect main page -->
         <script src="" data-element-id="cc-finder" data-style="shadow"></script>
  • Replace XXX with the URL of the client CourseCo Home page

  • See the video tutorial also below to help:

For more queries on the widget installation, please contact your CRM Lead.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.