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Updating Transactions | Creating a credit note against a transaction

Create a Credit Note Transaction, e.g. after the delegate was cancelled, you didn’t create during the cancellation stage

You may have already cancelled the delegate but opted to not create a journal transaction as the refund value was not confirmed yet.

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Search and select the contact or booking you need to update

  3. While on the contact/booking, navigate to the accounts tab for the contact

  4. Select the original booking transaction (the journal will be against this booking/tx)

  5. Select Actions > Create a Credit Note


    Actions - Create a credit note

  6. On the popup, you will see the original booking tx (transaction) information

  7. Within the Credit note details section, it will pre populate the original transaction amount

  8. Edit the Credit details to the applicable amount and tick the box.

  9. Review the read only section to ensure the breakdown is correct, add a note

  10. Select Create Transaction


    Create Credit Note window


  • The credit note Transaction is created

  • The original outstanding balance is updated

  • You created available credit IF their was a paid amount on the original transaction.

  • You may have created a Credit on the account and now can Make a payment on an outstanding transaction using that credit available

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 09.36.15.png

Credit note transaction example

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