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Upcoming Booking Revenue Report

This is a very popular report on CourseCo and can be used in multiple ways for multiple different users.

⭐Tips on how to Upcoming Booking revenue report ⭐

Below, you’ll see some scenarios on how this report assists your team

  1. Upcoming attendees about to start a course - Use the schedule ID to filter by schedule or start date and see all the names of the incoming

  2. View trainer schedule / email to the trainer - filter by date range eg 1 month and filter by trainer column

    1. Note: this is based on bookings, not schedule, so ‘Upcoming Bookings’ report might be a better report for trainer schedules

  3. View total income for the month - filter by date range - download as CSV and then total the ‘income’ column

  4. Review bookings with a pending PO - scan to PO column to identify missing info

  5. Review bookings with pending names i.e. admin must chase for the attendee (admin can also backdate the report to review bookings complete with pending names)*
    *Pending names relates to the add on ‘delegate allocation’

  6. Filter by organisation name to send this information to an organisation account.

How to run and download as CSV the Upcoming booking revenue report

  1. login as admin

  2. Open reports

  3. Using the top right search, enter ‘Upcoming bookings revenue’

  4. On opening, you will need to filter by date range

The date range is based on the schedule start date - use the ‘booking revenue report’ to see bookings based on booking date (not start date)

  1. Select run

  2. Now, using the column, enter key word to refine your results

  3. When ready to download as csv - navigate to the top right - actions button

  4. From the dropdown, select ‘Download as CSV’


Your report is downloaded locally

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 16.03.07.png

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 16.03.34.png

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 16.04.00.png

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