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Understanding the Schedules' Status Column

At present, there are 4 different statuses that define the progress of a schedule based on the start date on the CourseCo platform. They are:

  • Confirmed

  • In-progress

  • Completed

  • Cancelled

In this guide, you will find a breakdown of schedule statuses and their meaning.


Use case




As an admin, I want to create a schedule with a future date on the timeslot so that it is published on the website 

Schedule 1: Future Start date is 17 July at 9:00 am 

The upcoming schedule shows as confirmed


As an admin, I want to create a schedule with multiple time slots so that it is published on the website 

Schedule 2: Started on 14th July at 9:00 am and has slots on 15,16,17,18th July

When one or more timeslot has started, the schedule shows as in progress

(Approx 15 minutes after the start of the first timeslot)


As an admin, I want to create a schedule with a future date so that it is published on website

(Single timeslot)

Schedule 3: 15th July 9am to 5pm

When the timeslot start date and time met, it updates status as completed 

(Approx 15 minutes after start of first timeslot)


As an admin, I want to create multiple time slots so that it is published on the website 

Schedule 4: 14th July 9-11, 15th july 9-11

It will show as completed as soon as it is 15th July 9am


As an admin, I want to edit the timeslot timing for the day in a schedule so that it is updated 

Schedule 5: 15th july 12noon

Update to 6pm-8pm

The schedule status will remain confirmed until 6pm 

(Schedule status does not update if a timeslot is edited)


As an admin, I want to delete* existing timeslot for the day and add a new future timeslot 

Note: No bookings are on this schedule so I can delete a slot.  

Schedule 6: delete 18 July 

Add 19 July 9am

The status remains confirmed 

(Schedule status is updated when a new timeslot is added)


As an admin, I want to cancel a schedule so that it is updated

Note: Schedule must not have any bookings before cancellation

Schedule 7: cancel 17 July

The status will show as cancelled

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