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Trainer | Bookings - Updating Booking status to Complete so that the certs are sent automatically

This is an add on feature and included in Advanced Trainer portal Add on feature.

Trainer | When / How to change a booking from Pending to Complete

Pre-condition | the trainer has been invited to login with ‘Advanced Trainer’ access

  1. Login as Advanced Trainer

  2. Open Bookings

  3. Add delegate names to the booking

  4. Once all the names have been added, Navigate to the Trainer Status column

    1. The Trainer Status Pending will populate on bookings that have not been updated

See full user guide on how trainers can add names to bookings here

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 16.47.53.png

Trainer | Bookings

  1. Select the Pending button

  2. On the soft warning, they will be asked to confirm

  3. Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 16.46.34.png

    Soft Warning | do you want to compete booking

  4. Once Continue is selected, the ‘generate certificate’ automation will start running.


  • The booking has been Completed

  • The ‘Generate Cert’ automation has been trigger i.e. certs have been sent

Admin | How to view Trainer status schedules

  1. Login as admin

  2. Open Timetables

  3. Filter by Trainer Status - Completed or Pending


  • Filtering by Completed, will filter and only show the timeslots where the booking is completed

  • Filtering by Pending, will filter and only show timeslots where the booking is pending

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 16.51.21.png

Admin | Timetable - filter by trainer Status

Admin | review Upcoming Bookings report to see Trainer status on a booking

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