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Tasks | Adding admin tasks regarding a contact

Assigning tasks to other admins is an add on feature. Please contact us to get a demo.

How to assign a Task regarding a contact to an admin

  1. Login as an admin

  2. Open Contact

  3. Search and select a contact

You can assign a task while in bookings also!

  1. Using the actions / 3 dots menu (top right of the contacts file)

  2. Select ‘assign admin task’


  1. On the popup,

    1. enter the summary and description

    2. Start typing your assignee name - it will only find admin contacts

    3. set your due date

    4. Save Changes

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12.48.43.png


  • The task is assigned to the admin

  • The task can be seen on the contacts ‘Todo’s' tab

  • Admin can see all todos in ‘Todo’s All'

Viewing/Accessing All Todos created by admin(s)

  1. Login as admin

  2. Using the left menu, Navigate down to the Todos Menu

  3. Select All Todos

  4. View list of todos created

  5. Using the actions column, select Edit

  6. Change status from Open to Done.

  7. Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 12.52.50.png

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