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SCORM File 1.2 and 2004- Our Supported Devices & Browsers

In this article, you will find a list of browsers that our platform supports when viewing your SCORM course content

Currently CourseCo supports scorm file 1.2 and 2004

Please note that our platform supports the list of devices and browers below. If you require alternative capabilities, please talk to our product team for more information.


Supported browser versions

(Google chrome)


Mobile - ios

Chrome version: 101

iPhone 13, Google Chrome 101

Mobile - Android

Chrome version: 101

Oneplus 9, Google Chrome 101


Chrome version: 101

ipad air 2019, Google Chrome 101


Chrome version: 101

Samsung Galaxy S8, Google Chrome 101

MacBook laptop

Chrome version: 101

Monterey Macbook, Google Chrome 101

Windows laptop

Chrome version: 101

Windows 11, Google Chrome 101

Windows laptop

Chrome version: 96

Windows 10, Google Chrome 96

Windows laptop

Chrome version: 103

Windows 7, Google Chrome 103

We recommend using ‘Google Chrome’ as the default browser for best user experience for your online learners viewing your SCORM materials. Not all packages include SCORM - this is a custom request.

For any technical queries contact -

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