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Private Landing page (private company course page) with Private link schedule.

You may want to offer a client a course, just for their company to purchase. This is a great way to allow your large clients self serve and manage booking on their staff at any time.

The below steps describes the setup to view for your client.

These steps are suggestions, so please let us know if you want to discuss other variations to this process to ensure you’re using this function to suit your needs.

Create a course for your client only - Create client specific landing page

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Open course and create a new course.

  3. Add the course title

The course title will be populated on the cert (if using certs), consider this when naming your course

  1. Add general sales information (your client will read) - Suggestions

    1. Add client name around the description

    2. Add client logo..etc

  2. Allow book course ON

    1. Turning this on will ensure your schedule is bookable by the booker

  3. Display course with no upcoming schedule - OFF

    1. This needs to be off so that it doesn’t show on the website / open to the public

Once you create a Private link schedule, the course will display on the website, but only for people with the private link schedule URL only.

  1. Save the course

Ensure your new private course is not searchable/not indexed by Google

  1. Open your course previously created

  2. Navigate to the top menu SEO

  3. On the ‘X-Robots-Tag’ section, select ‘No Index, No Follow’

IF you do not select this on your course, it will be searchable by Google

  1. Save the course

Creating a Private Link schedule

  1. Create a new schedule

  2. Link the new schedule to your new Client specific Course

  3. Enter the general details as per ‘normal’ schedules

    1. Trainer, location, schedule note..

    2. Dates/times

  4. Once at the Booking tab section

    1. Book on Website = YES

    2. Use unique link = YES

  5. Save

  1. Once the schedule is saved

  2. Open the schedule > booking Tab and copy the generated Unique link

view the generated URL before sharing with your client to ensure it displays as expected i.e. copy and paste URL into a new tab

  1. Manually email your client with this Private/unique link url

You could use the Quick Messaging feature and bulk email all the staff in that organisation also or just email the main booker and he can share with his staff.

Suggestion - offer ‘free’ courses to your client so he can enable his ‘staff’ to book themselves onto training and invoice your client later (outside of CourseCo)

  1. Create a schedule > like above and navigate to Fee’s tab

  2. On ‘fee required’ select NO.

  3. SAVE

  4. The course will display on the website (via private link) as FREE

The private link schedule with display as Free and when purchased, there will be no transaction created for this booking.

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