Payment Gateway Configuration
We support Stripe as our most used and popular payment gateway integration.
To set up your Stripe connect, please follow these steps:
Login to stripe
Go to the settings on the top right (cog icon)
Select Connect settings
scroll down the page to Integration setting (
In the Redirects section, add the url supplied to you by CourseCo
You are now connected to stripe.
This process only needs to be completed with your main project stripe account.
Adding Stripe Keys in your settings
As an admin, you can add your LIVE Stripe keys to your website settings. To know how to add these to your LIVE project, please follow the steps below:
Stripe Live Keys:
Follow these steps to put in the test stripe keys and live stripe keys:
Log in as a super user
Navigate to your profile > Click on Settings
On settings page, click on Stripe
Check the box for ‘Check this box to make checkout payments be handled by stripe’ in front of the Enabled settings
In the Test Secret Key input, enter: sk_test_CwYhnDfLrLDHT32iuWcXlvf8
To find Test Secret Key: Log into CourseCo’s Stripe account. Once you are logged in, Turn On the toggle for test mode on the right side of your screen.
Go to the right side, click on Developer > Click on API Keys
On this page, you will find the Test Stripe Secret keys and Test Publishable keys.
In the Test Publishable Keys, enter: pk_test_iBa8Lm4ReIKWMyVoCggcZEQY
In the Live Secret Key input, enter your own Live Secret Keys
In the Live Publishable Key input, enter your own Publishable Keys
Check the box for ‘Check this box when you wish to use the test keys. No real payments will be made’ in front of the Test Mode setting
In the Stripe Client Id, enter your own Stripe Client ID details, if applicable. (This is optional)
Click Save
Make sure to complete a test booking and checking your stripe payment record to ensure that no real transactions are made using the test card details.