Booking | Pass / Fail Management of Attendees
Our latest feature is now live. This is where admins can manage when a cert is sent to the student.
This is an add on feature. Please contact us to enquire about installing this on your platform
In some cases, attending the training might not be enough to receive a cert. Attendees might need to pass a practical exam eg lifting a box. This type of testing can’t be automated as its a visual test (Not MCQ)
The new Pass / Fail feature will help you manage this process, while also managing the renewal process, see renewal process below
The below is broken into suggested steps, please review with your CRM lead if you have queries
Renewal Reminder Management
If your attendees receive a PASSED on the course, they are due for renewal in x amount of time. The passed attendees will receive renewal reminder emails if they pass only. FAILED attendees will not receive renewal reminder emails
Without the Pass / fail feature, all attendees will receive renewal reminder emails (as the system does not know who should / should not receive the alert)
Reviewing Schedule > Attendee | Pass or Fail feature
This is an add on feature. Please contact us to enquire about installing this on your platform
Open Courses > Schedules
Navigate to the Attendee Tab
Review the list of attendees / Columns presented.
Attendee contact ID
Attendee Name
Attendee linked organisation*
Booker name*
Booking ID
Booking Status
Result - Blank by default
Passed - passed the schedule, should receive a cert / renewal reminder
Failed - The should not receive a cert or renewal reminders in the future.
Result date - This is the datestamp of when the result was added by admin
Certificate Renew Date - this is the renewal date for the attendee
Attendance - this displays the number of Present slots only (not absent)* This column has been added as a default column
Present timeslots will display as eg 3/3
Absent for eg 1 would be 2/3
Attendance not recorded eg 0/3
*these are the optional columns that can be enabled for you but have not been enabled by default

Steps to Update students as PASSED or FAILED
Open Courses > Schedules
Navigate to the Attendee Tab
Per contact, assign PASSED OR FAILED
Scroll to the bottom of the screen + select UPDATE ATTENDEES
Attendee is set to PASSED or Failed
IF Passed, student or leadbooker or both will receive a cert *optional
Admin can open the booking, and see the attendees listed with their Status & renewal date will populate for attendees who passed
Renewal reminder emails will send to the PASSED attendee only
No renewal reminder will be sent to FAILED attendee
Manually setting / overriding the default Renewal Date
In some cases, accredited bodies will allow you book training before the renewal and extend the renewal date to the original booking. Example - Due for renewal in December, but I attend training in September. The cert renewal date can populate the December renewal and not the September date.
This is an optional feature that can be used alongside the Pass/Fail feature
To override the default renewal date and apply a custom renewal date you need to
Open schedule > attendee
Set the PASSED / FAILED attendees
Before selecting UPDATE ATTENDEES
Edit the Certificate Renew input, per Attendee.
If you don’t edit the renew date, its assumed it should apply the default date

Bookings - Viewing Passed / Failed Attendees
Once you have completed the above, you can open a booking at any time and view the attendees Booking Status (Passed, Failed or Blank)
See example