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Multi-buy | Enable for Admin backoffice bookings only (not available on the website)

Learn about Website and Back office multi-buy bookings in multi-buy user guide

(plus) This is an add on feature. Contact your crm lead to request a demo of this feature

⭐ Benefits of back office booking Multi-buy ⭐

  • Enable multi-buy for admins only

  • Quickly create bookings for delegates in the one company.

  • Book theory (self-paced) and trainer led (practical maybe?) schedules in one booking

  • Generate 1 invoice with multiple line items

How to create a multi-buy back office booking

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Open bookings and create Booking

  3. Add booker and delegates

  4. Search and select schedule 1

    1. You will be directed to the ‘Payment details’ section

  5. Scroll up and search and select schedule 2

    1. You will be directed to the ‘Payment details’ section - where you can see x2 schedules added

  6. Continue until all the schedules have a been added.

Remember, when creating multi-buy bookings, all delegates added will add be added to the selected schedules.


  1. one booking created with multiple schedules

  2. Booking revenue report will display 1 booking with multiple schedules

  3. Schedule revenue report will displays duplicate booking ID’s, one for each schedule so you can see income per schedule booked.

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