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Managing Testimonials

This section explains the processes to add, edit, and delete a testimonial on your website.

Adding a Testimonial

1. Navigate to Testimonials.

The Testimonials page will be displayed.


The page to add a new testimonial will be displayed.

3. Enter a title for the testimonial in the Enter testimonial title here field.

4. In the Summary tab, enter the summary, your signature, your position in the company, company name, and website URL in the Summary, Signature, Position, Company, and Website fields respectively.

5. Select the image and the banner for the testimonial from the Image and Banner dropdown lists respectively.

6. Click the Details tab.

7. Enter the testimonial content in the Content text editor.

  • You can create bold headings by highlighting your text and editing your text from Normal to Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3.

  • Also, you can add bullet points or numbers and format your content just like you do in any text editor.

8. Select the category for the testimonial from the Category dropdown list.

9. Select the course for which you want to add the testimonial from the Course item dropdown list.

10. Enter the date for the testimonial in the Date field.

11. You can either publish the testimonial or save it as a draft. To publish the testimonial, select Yes from the Publish dropdown list. To save it as a draft, select No from the Publish dropdown list.

To publish a testimonial saved as a draft, click the tick icon in its row on the Testimonials page.

12. Click Save/Save & Exit.

The testimonial will be saved and listed on the Testimonials page.

Editing a Testimonial

To edit an existing testimonial, please follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Testimonials.

The Testimonials page will be displayed.

2. Click the edit icon in the row of testimonials that you want to edit.

The Testimonial page will be displayed.

3. Edit the required field values and click Save.

The testimonial will be updated.

Deleting a Testimonials

To delete the testimonials which no longer required, please follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Testimonials.

The Testimonials page will be displayed.

2. Click the X icon in the row of testimonials that you want to delete.

A confirmation dialog will be displayed.

3. Click OK.

The selected testimonial will be deleted.

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