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Making a Payment on an Outstanding Transaction

An organisation may have paid you by EFT, Cheque, or Cash for one of the reasons:

  • Checkout invoice option was selected

  • Backoffice booking

  • Payment made via the Pay Online form.

This means that you will receive this money without the intervention of CourseCo.

Online payment is a great way to receive ad-hoc credit card payments quickly through the website. 

Making Online Payment

1. Email the link yourweburl/pay-online.html to your contact.

Before sending the email, ensure that the link opens as expected.

2. Contact should enter the ad-hoc amount in Euros.

3. Contact should enter student name & email address.

If the contact is not already added, they will be created as a new student.

4. Contact should add course name, location in the dropdown & note.

5. Contact should enter payment details.

6. Contact should complete the payment process.


  • A confirmation email will be sent to the contact.

  • A confirmation email will be sent to admin with contact, payment details & manually entered course info.

  • If contact did not exist yet, they will be added as contact type Student.

Admin: Updating the Outstanding Payment 

1. Log in to CourseCo as an Admin.

2. Navigate to the Left menu > Bookings module.

The Bookings page will be displayed.

3. Click the booking for which you want to make a payment.

The contact dialog for the selected booking will be displayed.

4. Click the Accounts tab.

The Accounts tab showing all the transactions of the contact will be displayed.

5. Select the booking/transaction for which you want to make a payment.

6. Click the Actions button at the top-right and select Make a Payment from the dropdown list.

The Make Payment Booking # dialog will be displayed.

7. From the Status dropdown list, select the Payment option.

8. From the Type dropdown list, select the EFT option.

9. Enter the amount received in the Payment Amount field.

10. Enter any additional information about the payment in the Note field This field is optional.

11. Click Save Payment.


  • Outstanding payment will now be paid.

  • The contacts portal will reflect the updated transaction.

  • Reports will be updated. e.g.: Bookings Outstanding report is updated

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