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Invoice Bookings | Allow Approved Organisation Pay via Purchase Order/Invoice on the checkout

Admins can select and choose the Organisations and Org reps that can use PO number on Checkout.

This is an add on feature, please contact your CRM lead for more information.

To enable a Payment Invoice option for an Organisation, follow the steps below:

This feature is very useful for very large organisation, with multiple org reps. Admin can turn this on at an organisation level but then manage which org reps also have PO checkout authority.

Enable organisation Invoice option on the checkout

  • In Contacts, search the organisation for which you want to turn ON the Checkout invoice allowed setting

  • Select the Organisation, for example: Facebook

  • In the Checkout Invoice allowed, select YES in the dropdown

  • Click Save

You will need to update the org reps contact details also

Next Step, allow specific Org reps pay via PO/Invoice

  • In Contacts, search the Org rep for whom you want to turn ON the Checkout invoice allowed setting

  • Select the Org Rep, for example: Joe test

  • In the Checkout Invoice allowed, select YES in the dropdown

  • Click Save

Make sure that the Org Rep is linked to the correct organisation so that they are allowed to use the PO number payment option

  • To change the setting to NO, simply go to details of org rep contact and Select NO from the dropdown in the setting Checkout Invoice Allowed


  • Organisation has ‘Checkout Invoice Allowed’

  • New contacts linked to the organisation will have this option also

  • Admin can turn this on/off per contact

  • The checkout updates instantly (well after refreshing! )

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