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Integrating Payment Gateway

This section explains integrating payment gateways into your website.

Integrating Stripe Payment Gateway

1. Create your account on

2. Contact CourseCo support and provide the live and secret keys of your Stripe account.

CourseCo will install it on your website.

3. Test the payment process on your website using test cards.

Use the test card number 4242 4242 4242 4242. expiry date / CVV.

Make sure to use an expiry date in the future.

Use any 3 digits for the CVV number.

Finding your Stripe Credentials

1. Log in to your Stripe account.

2. On the left menu, navigate to Developers > API keys

The publishable and secret keys will be displayed.

3. Contact CourseCo support and provide the live and secret keys of your Stripe account.

CourseCo will install these onto your link and real card payments made on CourseCo will be displayed in your stripe account.

Global Payments

1. Create your account on

Setting up your account can take up to three weeks.

2. Once your account setup is complete, contact CourseCo support and provide the live and secret keys of your Global Payments account.

CourseCo will install it on your website.

3. Test the payment process on your website using test cards.

Use the test card number 4263970000005262 and any expiry date / CVV.

Make sure to use an expiry date in the future.

Use any 3 digits for the CVV number.


Secure payment will be achieved.


Payments Processed through Stripe

The Recent Payments report shows all payments processed through Stripe. Admins can generate, view, download, and print the Recent Payments report.

1. Navigate to the Reports module.

The Reports page will be displayed.

2. Search for the Recent Payments report.

3. Click the three dots icon under the Actions column and then click Run.

The Recent Payments report showing all the payments processed through Stripe will be displayed.

Payments Processed through Global Payments

The Recent Realex Payments report shows all payments processed through Stripe. Admins can generate, view, download, and print the Recent Realex Payments report.

1. Navigate to the Reports module.

The Reports page will be displayed.

2. Search for the Recent Realex Payments report.

3. Click the three dots icon under the Actions column and then click Run.

The Recent Realex Payments report showing all the payments processed through Stripe will be displayed.

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