Credit Available | Make a payment on an outstanding transaction using credit available
While making a payment against an outstanding transaction, you can now see available credit in the ‘Make a payment’ window and make payment using available credit
Credit available transactions are created when a payment has been made on a transaction, but then the admin creates a credit note against the original booking
How to Make a payment using credit available
Precondition: you have a contact with credit available and an outstanding transaction i.e. you need to make a payment
Open Bookings or Contacts
Search and select a contact with available credit on their account
Open the accounts tab on the contact
Select the Outstanding transaction i.e. the transaction that needs to be marked as paid
Select Actions ‘Make a payment’
On the ‘make a payment’ window, you will see an extra read only input called ‘Available Credit’
In the Payment Method dropdown select ‘Transfer from Credit’
Payment Amount input, enter the credit payment amount
Enter payment date (optional)
Enter note (optional)
Save Payment
Credit available will be reduced
A payment with type ‘transfer’ will be applied to the transaction