Courses | adding Category, Level, Accreditation provider
You can easily search and find different courses.
1. Log in to CourseCo as an Admin.
2. Navigate to the Courses module.
The Courses page will be displayed.

2. Enter the keyword(s) based on which you want to search courses in the Search box.
All the courses matching the keyword(s) will be displayed.

You can additionally search for courses based on criteria including:
Title - Title of the course
Code - Abbreviation of the course
Level - Course level awarded
Category - Classification of the course
Provider - Provider who is selling the course
3. Enter the keyword(s) in the required Search box(es) of the required criteria.
Adding a Level:
Log in as an admin
Go to Courses. In the courses plugin, click on the plugin Levels
In the Levels page, click on Add Level on the top right side of the screen
Enter the title for your Level
Title is a mandatory field. You must enter a title for the level
In the Short name, enter a short name for your level
Add a summary for your for your level
Add an order for your level
Click Save
Adding a Category:
Log in as an admin
Go to Courses. In the Courses plugin, click on the plugin Category
In the Category page, click on Add Category on the top right side of the screen
Enter the title for your category
Optional: Add a summary for your Category
Optional: Add a description for your category in the text editor
Optional: Choose a colour from the colour palette
Select Yes in Publish toggle to publish the Category
Optional: Select an image for your Category
Optional: Choose an Order priority from the dropdown
Click Save
Adding an Accreditation:
Log in as an admin
Go to Courses. In the Courses plugin, click on the plugin Providers
In the Provider page, click on Add Provider on the top right of the screen
Enter the Provider name in the title input
In the Provider type, select a Provider type from the dropdown
Accreditation providers eg QQI, PHECC, select Type - Accreditation Body
Optional: Add a Web Address, input a Web Address
Optional: In the List URL, input the List URL
Optional: In the Email input, enter an Email
Optional: In the Phone input, enter a Phone number
Select Yes in Publish toggle to publish the Provider
Courses matching the searched criteria will be displayed.
When creating a course, you can select ‘Accredited by’ from the dropdown
This accreditation body will display on the website
The certification can populate the accreditation body for that course