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Checkout - reviewing Failed Credit Card payments

As you customers use your website and checkout you will receive queries like ‘why did my credit card fail’ This is common and normal and they can be a number of reasons why a card may fail on the checkout. CourseCo report Recent payments will display completed card payments and also payments that may have failed.

If you do not see a failed payment on the report, this could mean the checkout failed on CourseCo side and CourseCo would not attempt to send to Stripe. Example - the leadbooker entered duplicate emails on the checkout. There is a hard stop on CourseCo

Understanding Recent Payments report




Name of the leadbooker


Mobile added on the checkout by leadbooker


Email of the leadbooker



Payment Amount

Checkout Amount


Date of checkout


The payment was sent to eg Stripe and they have successfully taken the money or they rejected the transaction
See table below for status reasons and what they mean

Server TX id

This is for our developers to use if further investigation is required.

Examples of Status explanations




Processed as expected to payment gateway eg Stripe

failed:We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.

3DSECURE was completed correctly

i.e. contact did not approve payment with their bank

failed:Your CAPTCHA failed validation, please verify you entered the correct details.

Captcha was not completed properly

i.e. ‘I am not a Robot’

failed:Your card's security code is incorrect.

CVV is incorrect

failed:Your card's security code is incomplete.

CVV was not entered

failed:Your card number is incorrect.

Card number is incorrect

failed:Your card number is incomplete.

Card number was not completed i.e. maybe missing digits

failed:Unexpected Gateway Response: 101 - INSUFF FUNDS

Card does not have Money in it

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.