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Certification Feature | admin and org rep can see their certs in 1 place | Access certs and expiry statistics

With CourseCo’s new Certification feature, leadbookers/org reps and admins can view all your certified students and their generated certs in 1 place.

📊 Introducing CourseCo's Certification Matrix Management Tool! 📊

Say goodbye to searching for expiry dates and managing endless spreadsheets. Our unique portal feature lets your clients easily track and manage their employees' training matrix needs, all in one place.

Provide a professional, branded portal to support your clients’ training compliance tracking and watch your client base grow! 🌟

This is an add on feature to your package. Contact us to get a demo of this new feature & pricing!

⭐ Key Benefits of the Certification feature ⭐

  • Bookers can access their staff certs in one plugin

  • High level stats tables enables your bookers to see who is due for expiry and promotes them to re-book training

  • Quick and easy access to all cert templates in an organised format for you and your bookers.

  • Filter by course and download all certs in a few simple clicks.

  • Allow admin plan ahead for future expires and prep for the years ahead!

  • Retain customers and become to hub for training

Admin accessing the Certification feature

  1. Login as Admin

  2. Using the left menu, select Certification

    1. Admin can open this current year of certs

    2. Admin can filter by eg this month to see updated stats

  3. Stats definition

    1. Certified - Number of people certified in this year i.e. not due for renewal in this current year

    2. Expiring - This is the number of certs expiring from today onwards until the end of the year (31st December)

    3. Expired - Number of certs that have expired / have not been rebooked for training for that course

      1. This number will update once the attendee has been rebooked for training (on the same course)

    4. Pending - These are the attendees who have not received a cert for their training (possibly not generated yet or maybe they will never receive one)


Certification portal - admin view

Booker/Org rep portal | Access to his bookings and their certs

This feature is very like the admin view, just filtered out to display his bookings only

See image example of a org rep portal.

Actions available for the org rep

  1. Filter by date range to view their staff and who is due for renewal

  2. Access the certs for all certified students.

  3. Booker has the ability to multi-select and download the certs as a Zip file.

  4. Re-book option brings the booker to the website to allow him quickly re-book training.


Org rep portal | view my certs in 1 place

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