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Booking Import File | Backdate & CSV import to create bookings on CourseCo and send renewal reminders

This is an add on feature, so please contact your CRM lead to learn more!

The Booking Import File is a powerful tool designed to help you seamlessly integrate historical booking data from third-party software into the CourseCo system. By utilizing this feature, you can ensure your records are complete and centralized, creating a smoother transition to CourseCo.

Click bookings_import.v1 - bookings (1).csv to download the example import file

⭐ Key Benefits ⭐

  1. Efficiency and Accuracy

    • Avoid manual data entry and reduce the risk of errors by importing bulk booking data in a single step.

  2. Data Continuity

    • Preserve the integrity of your historical data, including student details, company, booker and course information

    • Allow CourseCo to automatically send renewal reminders to your previous attendees.

  3. Simplified Transition

    • Easily map your data to CourseCo's structured format, making it simple to backdate and link previous courses.

    • Effortlessly manage your organisation’s switch to CourseCo with minimal disruption.

This guide will walk you through the steps to complete the import process and ensure your data is ready to go!

Explanation of Columns for CourseCo Import

Below is a brief explanation of each column that will be imported into CourseCo to ensure your data is correctly mapped and utilized:

Lead Booker Details

  • Lead Booker ID: (optional) CC contact id - if you want to leave the other columns blank.

  • Lead Booker External Reference: (optional) Identifier used in your previous system for the lead booker.

  • Lead Booker First Name: The first name of the lead booker.

  • Lead Booker Last Name: The last name of the lead booker.

  • Lead Booker Email: Email address of the lead booker, used for communication and records.

Enter first name, last name if the booker is not a contact in CourseCo yet.
Add email or contact id only if the contact already exists (faster process)

Organisation Details

  • Organisation ID: Unique identifier for the organisation in CourseCo.

  • Organisation Name: The name of the organisation linked to the booking.

  • Organisation External Reference: (optional) Identifier used in your previous system for the organisation. Identifier used in your previous system for the lead booker eg Sage ID

  • Organisation Email: (optional) Email address associated with the organization.

Enter company Name if the contact/organisation does not exist in CourseCo yet
Add contact id only if the contact already exists (faster process) - both options work!

Student Details

  • Student ID: (optional) Unique identifier for the student in CourseCo.

  • Student External Reference: (optional) Identifier used in your previous system for the student. eg NI number.

  • Student First Name: The first name of the student.

  • Student Last Name: The last name of the student.

  • Student Email: (optional) Email address of the student, used for communication and renewal reminders.

  • Student Tags: (optional) Tags or labels to categorize students (e.g., skill level, group affiliation).

Student id is useful if they exist on CC already and means you don’t have to enter everything else.

or Enter email only and it will link to an existing contact

Note: IF you don’t add an email or the contact id, a duplicate contact will be created

Course and Schedule Details

  • Course ID: Unique identifier for the course in CourseCo.

  • Course Code: Internal reference code for the course.

  • Course Name: Name of the course being booked.

  • Schedule ID: Unique identifier for the schedule within the course.

  • Schedule Name: The name assigned to the schedule (e.g., "Backdate - Asbestos Awareness").

Fastest route is to create the catch all schedules, then add the schedule ID

If you opt not to do this, the file will auto create the schedule for you.

Additional Booking Details

  • PO Number: (optional) Purchase order number associated with the booking, if applicable. you will see this when you open the booking

  • Certificate Start Date: (optional) The date the student’s certificate becomes valid (format: yyyy-mm-dd).

  • Certificate End Date: The expiration date of the student’s certificate (format: yyyy-mm-dd).

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