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Back office Booking | Breakdown of all booking options on CourseCo

Price Per Person = OFF / Incompany, Private schedule booking - Option to add and remove delegates

Schedule capacity: Adding and removing names actively edits the schedules capacity

  1. Booking | Single student - Not support / a workflow not used

  2. Booking | Organisation booking for multiple delegates

    1. Create booking

      1. Admin adds no delegates to the booking + completes booking

    2. Edit booking

      1. Admin adds and removes delegates. Max capacity is based on the schedule capacity.

Price Per Person - No option to edit delegate names

Schedule capacity: Cancelling the booking is the only way to affect the schedule capacity

  1. Booking | Single student

  2. Booking | Organisation booking for multiple delegates

    1. Booking with multiple contacts added, price calculated per person

  3. Booking cancellation - Cancelling this booking will impact accounts

    1. Cancel the whole booking

    2. Cancel min 1 person for a group booking

  4. Transfer Booking | Impacts accounts

    1. Booking | Single Student

    2. Booking | Organisation booking for multiple delegates

      1. Transfer all delegates in the booking

      2. Transfer min 1 person to another schedule

Price Per Person + Delegate Allocation - option to edit delegate Names

Schedule capacity: Adding, removing / editing names will NOT affect the schedule capacity

Booking | Single student

  • Admin can swap names on a single booking

    • Example: Admin edits the booking and removes the existing contact and replaces the name with another - no impact to account

Booking | Organisation booking with lead booker and multiple delegates

Scenario 1 - Admin adds no real contact + x delegate qty

  • Create Booking

    • Example: Admin adds a booking with organisation + lead booker and adds 4 to the delegate Qty input

  • Edit booking | Admin edits the booking by adding a contact to the booking

    • Example: Admin edits booking with x4 delegate qty + adds x1 delegate name and removes the Org rep contact added by default

Scenario 2: Admin adds contact names, does not edit delegate qty input

  • Create Booking

    • Example: Admin adds a booking with organisation + lead booker and adds 5 contacts to the booking (knows the names of the delegates being booking)

  • Edit Booking | swap names

    • Example: admin opens a booking with 5 people, removes 1 + saves booking - there is 1 pending place to fill. Admin edits booking again and adds the confirmed name of the 5th place.

Scenario 3: Admin adds combination of names and edits the delegate qty input also

  • Create Booking

    • Example: Admin adds a booking with organisation + lead booker and adds 2 contacts to the booking and edits to delegate qty to 5. (booking x3 ghost places)

  • Edit booking - Adding x2 remaining names

    • Admin adds the 3 contacts remaining - Booking now has x4 delegates + 1 space remaining

    • Admin edits for the final time and adds the last name - now x5 contacts are on the booking

Scenario 4: Admin adds booking with 1 delegate

  • Create Booking

    • Example: Admin adds a booking with organisation + lead booker and adds 1 contact to the booking

  • Edit Booking

    • Admin removes (error) the current delegates and adds a different contacts + saves - booking remains at 1


Schedule capacity: Cancelling a booking will update/ affect the schedule capacity

  1. Price Per Person = OFF / Incompany, Private schedule booking

    1. IF Admin cancels this booking, the entire booking is cancelled - Admin will not partially cancel this booking

    2. Cancellation tx for whole booking amount is created

  2. Price Per Person - option to partially cancel booking

    1. Admin can select all or 1 contact to cancel

    2. Cancellation tx is created for the number of contacts cancelled.

  3. Price Per Person + Delegate Allocation

    1. Admin can select all or 1 contact to cancel*

    2. Cancellation tx is created for the number of contacts cancelled.

*This does not include selecting the x to remove contacts

Other bookings

  1. Sales Quote bookings | Is not a confirmed booking | Does not impact schedule capacity

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