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Automated Confirmation / reminder emails - Do not send to the specified organisation

In some cases, you may want to manually manage the confirmation and reminder emails send to a booker and the delegates.

You want to exclude these contacts from receiving automated emails. This can be completed via the below steps

Please discuss this process with your CRM lead as updates are required for your automations.

How to Exclude Organisations from the automated emails

  1. login as Admin

  2. Open Contacts menu

  3. Search and select the organisation

  4. Using the Labels feature, add the specified Label eg No Automated Emails

This label is your unique label, so please review your custom label with your CRM lead.

  1. Save the organisation contact, with the new label.

The Label/Tag will be configured for you, please only use the provided tag and do not create a new one without discussing with your CRM Lead

  • When an organisation has the assigned label saved, no bookings made under that organisation will receive confirmation emails or reminder emails

Assumption - the below automated emails are updated.
  • Automation 1 - A back office booking is made by admin - Do not email leadbooker or Delegate/Student

  • Automation 2 - A Course Starts, send a reminder email x days before training - Do not email leadbooker or Delegate/Student

Please specify if there are any other automated emails that need to be excluded

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