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All Timetables

The All timetables section provides an overview of courses and their schedules. You can view All timetables in a Calendar view and Overview.

On this page:

There are two ways to view the timetable and look at your Course statuses quickly. They are:

  • Overview View

  • Calendar View

Overview Filters

The Overview in All timetables section provides a summary of the total number of hours for the selected date/date range including details such as Hours capacity, Hours scheduled, Hours Logged, Hours of leave, and Left. It also displays the list of schedules along with their statuses. The below screenshot shows the Overview of the All timetables page:

The statistics mentioned in the Overview view of the timetable are explained below:

  • Hours capacity = Number of hours all the staff is available in the date range that you have selected

  • Hours scheduled = Number of hours in which the trainers are scheduled to teach in the date range that you have selected

  • Hours logged = Number of hours the trainer have logged into the timesheet in the date range that you have selected

  • Hours of leave = Number of hours the staff was on leave in the date range that you have selected

  • Left = Number of hours remaining for the trainers on the schedules in the date range that you have selected

Note that these features are only applicable if the Timesheet feature is enabled on your website. This may vary depending on your customisation and package.

Calendar Filters

The Calendar view displays the calendar marked with all the timetables of all the courses. The below screenshot shows the Calendar view of the All timetables page:

The schedules marked on the calendar are colour-coded:

  • Done - Done schedules are identified by the Blue colour which indicates that the Schedules are completed in the past and they are done

  • Scheduled - Scheduled timeslots are identified by the Green colour which indicates the upcoming schedules for the month or date range

  • Conflict - Conflicted schedules are identified by the Red colour which indicates the schedules are set up for the exact same time

  • Cancelled - cancelled schedules are identified by the Orange colour which indicates that those schedules have been cancelled

You can filter the calendar view using the date picker and filter criteria.

The available filters in the date range input are:

  • Last - Past schedules

    • Yesterday

    • Last Week

    • Last Month

    • Last Year

  • Current - Present schedules

    • Today

    • This Week

    • This Month

    • This Year

  • Next - future schedules

    • Tomorrow

    • Next Week

    • Next Month

    • Next Year

  • Custom Range

You can also filter the calendar view using the preset filters.


Select the filter criteria based on which you want to filter the calendar view. You can select a single criterion or all the criteria or a combination of the criteria.

To clear filter(s), click the x icon next to it.

You can also view the calendar day-wise, week-wise, and month-wise. You can also view the list of schedules grouped by dates.

Click the required view.


You can filter the timetable by Activities. Within activities, you can filter by Bookings, Timeslots, Exams, Todos, Timesheets, Timeoff. To understand how each of these filters work, please follow the steps below:

  • Bookings - By selecting booking filter, you can see only the schedules set for upcoming days for the date range that you have set on the date range input

  • Timeslots - By selecting timeslot filter, you can see the schedules with their start and end times for the date range that you have set on the date range input

  • Exams - By selecting exams filter, you can see all the exams that are scheduled for the date range that you have set on the date range input

  • Todos - By selecting todos filter, you can see all todos i.e. tasks and assignments assigned for the date range that you have set on the date range input

  • Timesheets- By selecting timesheet filter, you can see the total hours of your staff for the date range that you have set on the date range input

  • Timeoff - By selecting timeoff filter, you can see the days that your staff had timeoff on for the date range that you have set on the date range input

Note: All the filter results will be based on your package and customisation depending on what features you signed up for.


The Blackouts filter criteria can be used to view schedules on Bank Holidays and Training Days.

1. Select the BLACKOUTS criteria from the filters dropdown list.

A dropdown showing the sub-criteria will be displayed.

2. Check the box(es) for the sub-criteria based on which you want to filter the schedules.

Schedules matching the selected criteria will be displayed.


With the courses filter, you will be able to filter out the schedules with regards to the courses on your website. For example, you can select one of the courses from a list of all courses so that you can see all the schedules for the courses for the date range that you have set.


With the location filter, you will be able to filter the schedules based on what location they are scheduled for. For example, you can select any location from all the locations on your website and you can see all the schedules based on that location.


With schedules filter, you can filter all the schedules and you can see the start and end time for the schedule on the calendar. For example, you can search for one schedule from the list of the schedules on the website.


With the statuses filter, you can filter all the schedules based on their statuses mainly Done, Booked, Conflict and Cancelled. For example, you can select the status Done and you can see all the schedules that are completed for that date range.


With the trainers filter, you can filter all the schedules in your website based on the trainer teaching them. For example, I can select one trainer from the list of trainers so that I can see all the schedules he is teaching.

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