Advertise a course with a download brochure option
CourseCo provides you the option to add your brochures while creating courses so that students can download it to know more about your course. There are two types of brochures that can be added to your course: Standard Brochure or Dynamic Brochure.
PDF Downloaded Brochure
As an admin, you have the option to attach a course specific PDF brochure to a course. This brochure will display on the website making it easy for prospects to download the brochure at any time. While downloading the brochure, the guest must enter their name, email and mobile which will build up your sales prospects!
This is a Prime Package feature. Feel free to contact your CRM lead to learn about add on pricing or on how to upgrade to Prime!
How to attach a PDF brochure to a course
Login as admin
Navigate to the Media tab to upload your PDF brochure.
Select left menu courses
Search and select a course
Within a course edit screen, navigate to the Media tab
Within the Documents section, using the dropdown select your PDF document
Upload your PDF Brochure via the Media feature - see user guide on uploading documents

Dynamic Styled Brochure Download
The CourseCo dynamic brochure download that is automatically generated based on the content on a course detail page with upcoming schedule training dates
It is styled with your logo and colours while dynamically populating price. The main benefit is, the brochure displays your up-to-date content and your upcoming schedule dates, prices and locations.
The brochure automatically updates when an admin edits a course or adds a new schedule.
Dynamic brochure is an add on feature. Please contact your CRM lead for more information