Admin Tasks | View admin tasks and update progress
Admin tasks is designed for admins to assign tasks with comments and due dates. All admins can see all admin tasks and quickly update progress from Todo to Completed.
This feature is an add on, please contact us if you would like to learn more about this add on.
How to view Admins Tasks
Login as admin
Open contacts
Navigate to the left menu, the contacts sub-menu will be open
Select Admin Tasks
The list is ordered by last edited date, the last added or edited task will appear at the top of the list
How to add an Admin Task
Login as admin
Open contacts
Navigate to the left menu, the contacts sub-menu will be open
Select Admin Tasks
Navigate to the top right and select Add Admin Task
On the Popup, enter the title
Make you title informative so that your admin can see main details on list screen
Enter Summary - more details about the task (optional)
Search and select your assignee - this is yourself or other admin
Regarding - Search and select the contact it relates to eg a booker or student (optional)
Status would be open
Priority - this will display on your list screen to help prioritise tasks
Due Date - By default it will save todays date and time, you can edit date and time
Save Changes
The task is now saved and listed in the Admin Tasks List screen
An email can be sent to your admin letting them know a task has been assigned to them (optional - not enabled by default)
How to quickly update the task as Complete
Open admin tasks
Navigate to the task
Use the tick icon to select when completed
The task status is now status Done
How to edit or change status of a task
Use the actions column, 3 dots to View the task
On the screen, edit the details
Edit the title/summary
change the assignee
Change the status eg In Progress
The task is now edited
The task has been moved to the top of the list