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Chrome Browser - CourseCo's Supported Browser

At CourseCo we thrive for the best web based experience.

As we have an enterprise platform with thousands of feature, we have focused our QA testing on Chrome Browser (both mobile and Desktop)

We didn’t make this choice lightly. After reviewing Global platform statistics, we made the informed decision to always support the latest chrome browser. Industry standards dictate that Chrome accounts for over 62% of the global market usage. CourseCo is designed by our quality team to have the best user experience using the No.1 global browser CHROME.

Whist other browsers will function, to experience CourseCo platform to its best QA standard, we advise using Chrome only.

This understanding should be highlighted to your clients also.

Tip: Lots of our clients include a disclaminer at the end of their automated emails eg To experience the best service we have to offer, please use the latest chrome browser

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